User has created a SAP Work Manager application custom complex table
- User has compiled the Java changes required for the custom table
- During the client transmit, the user then experiences the following error:
BAPI returning number of rows after that getting below error during the transmit
process results(JCO.table) | Error :cannot find container object for complex table error while transmitting
while trying to invoke the method java.lang.object.hascode() of a null object loaded from local variable key
SAP Work Manager 6.4
Windows server
SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.1 ; SAP Work Manager 6.3.0 ; SAP Work Manager 6.4 ; SAP Work Manager 6.5.0
Java error, toolkit, development, , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP-WM , Syclo SAP Work Manager Application , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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