SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2699596 - Statutory Report File Amount Format With Thousands Separator.


You generate the Statutory Report file and you notice that the amount format in the file is with a thousands separator.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the General Ledger work center.
  2. Go to the Periodic Tasks view.
  3. Select the Statutory Reports sub view.
  4. Select the Report Name: Journal France.
  5. Select the button New > Blank Report Run.
  6. Fill in the selection:
  • Company: XXXXX (XXXXX stands for the Company ID).
  • Set of Books: X (X stands for the Set of Books ID).
  • Year: YYYY
  • Period From/ To: 001 to 003 (For example).
  • Run Name: (Put the name  you want for your run).
  1. Select Schedule and Generate.
  • The numeric format of the amount in the Report generated (Credit Amount, Debit Amount and Currency Amount) has a thousands separator.
  • This format does not conform to the requirement of the French Tax Authorities which requires the numeric format in the file to be without thousands separator.


  • The User that generated the Report file has the field Decimal Notation set as 1 234 567,89
  • This can be seen with the following steps:
  1. Go to the Application and User Management work center.
  2. Go to the User and Access Management view.
  3. Select the Business Users sub view.
  4. Show All Business Users and search for the user ID: ABC (ABC stands for the ID of the user).
  5. Click on the user ID.

Under Regional Settings, the field Decimal Notation is set as 1 234 567,89


To change the amount formats in the file, you need to change the Decimal Notation field format to 1.234.567,89 and generate the file again.


Fichiers des Ecritures Comptables;  Fichier FEC;  French Statutory Reports File; Statutory Reports , KBA , SRD-FIN-GLO-REP , GLO - Statutory Reporting , Problem


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