You generate the Statutory Report file and you notice that the amount format in the file is with a thousands separator.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the General Ledger work center.
- Go to the Periodic Tasks view.
- Select the Statutory Reports sub view.
- Select the Report Name: Journal France.
- Select the button New > Blank Report Run.
- Fill in the selection:
- Company: XXXXX (XXXXX stands for the Company ID).
- Set of Books: X (X stands for the Set of Books ID).
- Year: YYYY
- Period From/ To: 001 to 003 (For example).
- Run Name: (Put the name you want for your run).
- Select Schedule and Generate.
- The numeric format of the amount in the Report generated (Credit Amount, Debit Amount and Currency Amount) has a thousands separator.
- This format does not conform to the requirement of the French Tax Authorities which requires the numeric format in the file to be without thousands separator.
- The User that generated the Report file has the field Decimal Notation set as 1 234 567,89
- This can be seen with the following steps:
- Go to the Application and User Management work center.
- Go to the User and Access Management view.
- Select the Business Users sub view.
- Show All Business Users and search for the user ID: ABC (ABC stands for the ID of the user).
- Click on the user ID.
Under Regional Settings, the field Decimal Notation is set as 1 234 567,89
To change the amount formats in the file, you need to change the Decimal Notation field format to 1.234.567,89 and generate the file again.
Fichiers des Ecritures Comptables; Fichier FEC; French Statutory Reports File; Statutory Reports , KBA , SRD-FIN-GLO-REP , GLO - Statutory Reporting , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign all versions