In Performance Form, Objective Section, when user attempts to give a rating, rating values appear as blank.
Performance Management, Objective Management
Reproducing the Issue
1. Open Performance form with an Objective section where user could give an Objective Rating via drop-down menu.
2. Expand drop down menu.
Values in a drop-down menu appear as blank.
In Performance Template for Objective Section, fm-sect-scale show-value is set as false.
<fm-sect-scale show-value="false">
In such case the rating value will be hidden. If Rating Scale does not contain Rating Labels, results will appear as blank.
In order to display values from Rating Scale fm-sect-scale show-value needs to be set as true.
<fm-sect-scale show-value="true">
If Rating Scale contains Rating Labels, Rating Value and Rating Label will appear in PM form.
Empty Values, Performance Management, PM Form, Performance Form, Objective Section, Goal Section, Drop Down, Blank Values , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , Problem