You have setup Wofklow Rule XYZ (XYZ represents the Worfklow Rule description) to react on Social Media activity but it is not working.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Social Media events are chaining events. Worfklow Rules are not enabled to react on chaning due to the complexity of chaining, workflow is not enabled to react on these chains as this may lead to recursion issues and hence endless events.
This is the current expected system behavior.
If you need Workflow Rules to reach on Social Media events urgently you may contact your implementation manager to help with such request or approach directly the SAP Cloud Service Center.
Note: The services of the SAP Cloud Service Center will be charged as packaged services based on fixed prices.
An alternative option may be to check the SAP Customer Influencer Site to submit an idea:
Workflow Rules ; Social Media ; Twitter ; Facebook ; , KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP-WKF , Ticket Workflow , How To