SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2700811 - How to Add New Values from the UI to the Codelist Created from SDK?


You want to know how you can add new values from the frontend UI to the custom codelist which is created from SDK.


SAP Cloud Application Studio

SAP Cloud for Customer

SAP Business ByDesign


The solution depends on the below 2 use cases:

  1. Static Codelist: Static codelist is the codelist which you directly create in the solution with the extension .codelist. Whatever values you create in this codelist can be edited or changed only via SDK. If the solution is deployed you will have to create a new patch and add the values to the codelist from SDK.
  2. Dynamic Codelist: Dynamic codelists are created automatically in the process of creating the Business Configuration Object(BCO) in SDK. You will get an option to select create codelist checkbox during the creation of the BCO. For such codelists you can create a finetuning activity for the UI and the business user can add values via the fine tuning activity. Also you will have to ensure that you have selected the checkbox Values can be added in Fine Tuning as shown in the screenshot.


See Also

You can refer to the below path in the SAP CLoud Applictaion Studio help document to know how to create a dynamic codelist.

SAP Cloud Application Studio Help -> Developer Desktop-> Business Configuration -> Tasks -> Create a Business Configuration Object.


cannot add values in fine tuning Fine-Tuning values from SDK Codelist Static codelist Dynamic Codelist BCO Codelist , KBA , finetuning codelist , add values to codelists not working , .codelist file , AP-RC-BDS-1O , ByDesign Studio OneOffs , AP-RC-BDS-BC , ByDesign Studio Business Configuration , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions