- The SAP NetWeaver is filling up the hard disk in log files called dev_icm_sec.
File is located under work folder /usr/sap/SID/<INSTANCE$$>/work, and its size is growing fastly.
- Following entry can seen at dev_icm_sec trace file:
Error: Protocol error (-21), Error in HTTP Request: Invalid request line(9) [http_plg.c 5984]
[Thr 123456789] *** ERROR => NULL bytes in HTTP request {00050203} [http_plg.c 6637]
[Thr 123456789] *** WARNING => HttpParseRequestHeader: Hint: NULL bytes in HTTP request are often caused by HTTPS traffic arriving at the HTTP port. [http_plg.c 6641]
[Thr 123456789] *** ERROR => HttpPlugInHandleNetData: HttpParseRequestHeader failed (rc=701) [http_plg.c 2214]
SAP NetWeaver Application Server
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
dev_icm_sec, icm logs, disk filling up, hard disk icm, logs filling, http in https, invalid http connections,
icm/security_log, LOGFILE, MAXSIZEKB, FILEWRAP , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , Problem
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