Program/report TMW_RC_DOWNLOAD_ANALYSIS_DATA (for downloading zip file for S/4 HANA readiness check) is executed and the following job is triggered: TMW_RC_DOWNLOAD_ANA_DATA_COLL. This job cancels with the following error in the log:
DVM data collection job is finished.
Internal error with DVM data collection job. Check the details in SM37.
Internal error with DVM data collection job. Check the details in SM37.
Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
- ERP 6.0
ST-PI 74001 - 74008
- ST-PI 2008_1_700 - 2008_1_710
TMW_RC_DOWNLOAD_ANA_DATA_COLL, S/4 HANA readiness check, Internal error with DVM data collection job. Check the details in SM37,
TMW_RC_DOWNLOAD_ANALYSIS_DATA , KBA , SV-SMG-DVM , Data Volume Management , Problem
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