SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2705285 - LinkedIn Integration + Candidate Account Simplification | Account creation pipeline - Recruiting Management


What we should expect from the system, as for the applicant regular workflow, when creating candidate accounts using LinkedIn and CAS.


SuccessFactors Recruting Management - All versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the client RMK page and find a job;
  2. When applying, select the "Apply with LinkedIn" option;
  3. In the new LinkedIn API window that is going to pop up, provide your LinkedIn credentials;
  4. The system will send you to the RMK regular candidate login page.


Expected behavior, as per the system original design.


This behavior is actually expected, from a system design perspective. Our Development and Product Management teams are currently reviewing it to see how we can have this enhanced in future releases. For now, the system is actually working as designed. Nevertheless, in the RMK Candidate Login page, there is a "create account button", if after following the steps mentioned above, the candidate clicks this "create account' button, the following account creation page will have information from LinkedIn, as well as the candidate profile to be created afterwards. Please, have in mind that, for this to work, the proper Standardization Mapping must be set.

See Also

2082051 - Standardization Mapping - Recruiting Management


LinkedIn LinkedIn Integration , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions