You want to enter Identified Stock information in a sales order you are creating.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Sales Order work center.
Navigate to the Common Tasks view and choose the option New Sales Order.
Select the View All button and in General tab enter the relevant and mandatory information required.
Choose the Items tab, select the Add Row button and enter the product information.
While entering the production information you see that there is no option for you to enter the identified stock information of the product in sales order.
Identified stock or batch information for a product is relevant when the decision to ship/move product from the warehouse is made. This decision is made by a warehouse manager and hence the option to enter identified stock information is available in warehouse related document mainly warehouse tasks.
You have the option to add Product Specification in the sales order. If you need to mandatorily add an identified stock due to a specific business scenario at your end you can use a production specification which is mapped to your identified stock.
Please follow the below given steps to map your product specification with an identified stock.
- Go to Warehousing and Logistics Master Data work center.
- Navigate to the Identified Stock view.
- Choose the New button.
- In New Identified Stock screen you have the option to add the Product Specification.
Once the product specification and your product is mapped to the identified stock, you can use the Product Specification that was mapped to your identified stock in the sales order that you want to create.
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