When running report RH_SFI_SYNCH_METADATA, you get any of the below errors:
Error retrieving data for SFSF compensation group IDs
Technical error: Receiving list of SFObjects from SFSF failed
Error retrieving data for SFSF compensation ad hoc reports
Technical error: Receiving list of SFObjects from SFSF failed
Error retrieving data for SFSF recruiting ad hoc reports
Technical error: Receiving list of SFObjects from SFSF failed
In SXMB_MONI you see error:
FAILED_AUTHENTICATIONLogin failure due to the invalid company!
If you use HCI, you see the same error while executing a payload trace in transaction SRTUTIL.
- Integration Add-On for SAP ERP HCM and SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- Integration Scenario for Compensation
- Integration Scenario for Recruiting
HRSFI_SYNCH_METADATA , KBA , PA-SFI-TM , Integration with SuccessFactors BizX Talent Management , Problem
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