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2705540 - XSA - Error processing MTA archive: Conflicting process


A second deployment (or undeployment) attempt for the same MTA fails with an error message:

Installation of XS Advanced components failed

And the following error can be found in the  xs_install_components.log:

ERR Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Error processing MTA archive: Conflicting process "<OPERATION_ID>" found for MTA "..."



SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XSA)


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


conflicting, process, MTA, deploy, undeploy, archive, Error processing MTA archive, java.lang.Exception, Installation of XS Advanced components failed, installation, failed, Unexpected error, Conflicting process, found for MTA, Exception occured during execution, Installation of the component, failed during deployment , KBA , BC-XS-SL-DS , HANA XS Advanced MTA Deployment Service , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , How To

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