- You are upgrading software component DMIS using SPAM
- In DDIC_ACTIVATION phase, you run into the following error:
Import phase 'DDIC_ACTIVATION' (Date, Time)
Error during executing the tp command 'tp ACT ALL <SID> ...'
tp return code: '0008' , tp message: 'A tool used by tp produced errors' , tp output:
This is tp version xxx.xx.xx (release xxx)
Warning: Parameter DBLIBPATH is no longer used.
standard output from tp and from tools called by tp:
Details of the error situation can also be found in the import logs
Abort the import due to an error situation (Date, Time)
- In transaction AL11 > DIR_TRANS > log, you find SAPA-xxxxxINDMIS.XXX log with the following error:
3 EDT012XActivate table "DMC_HC_RESULT"
1EEDT509 Indexes "SE2" and "SER" for table "DMC_HC_RESULT" have identical fields
3 EDT013 Table "DMC_HC_RESULT" was not activated...
3 EDT512 Index "DMC_HC_RESULT"-"SE2" could not be activated...
1 EDO578XThe following errors or warnings have occurred:1EEDO516X"Index" "DMC_HC_RESULT" "SE2" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "DMC_HC_RESULT" could not be activated
Support Package Manager (SPAM)
Duplicate, Similar, Same, Remove, Cannot reset queue , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , Problem
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