SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2709136 - How to map Standard or Custom Direct Deposit and Payment Information - Onboarding 1.0


How to map Onboarding 1.0 custom Direct Deposit keys to Employee Central Payment Information HRIS fields when integrating the two systems.

"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."


  • SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0
  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central


For Live Customer(s)

Please engage with a SAP Certified Partner or Professional Services/Consulting. Refer to KBA: 2149831.

For Implementation Partner(s) and Consultant(s)

Follow the steps below and review the SAP SuccessFactors Implementation Guide. In addition, avoid creating a support ticket when receiving any error due to misconfiguration and without utilizing SAP SuccessFactors Partner Delivery Community as a support channel for any configuration questions.

Standard Direct Deposit Configuration:

  1. By enabling the feature 'Direct Deposit Integration with Employee Central' in Features of SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding (see KBA 2469816), it creates 2 panels in New Employee Step (NES) based on the process selected
  2. The panels created by the feature is named as follows, SAP_DirectDeposit_Main and SAP_DirectDeposit_Additional; it can be disabled and copied as a template for custom Direct Deposit
  3. When using the standard panel of Direct Deposit, the mapping of standard keys needs to have respective Object Definition in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

    screenshot0003_ 10212018023509.png


  • Ensure adding variant (ISO Alpha 3 Country Code) if multiple Payment Information Detail Account Type is used
  • SAP SuccessFactors Cloud Product Support suggest using the standard panel if no custom requirement is needed
  • When using a custom panel for Direct Deposit, keys within is now considered as custom even though it has a prefix of SAP
  • Customers need to engage with an Implementation Partner or Consultant to use custom direct deposit panel that will suit the needs of the business
  • Customers need to decide what type of direct deposit information to use (e.g., MAIN / with PAYROLL (Additional))
  • Customers with custom configuration are not supported to fix by SAP SuccessFactors Cloud Product Support if the concern is related to incorrect setup, kindly engage with an Implementation Partner or Consultant who setup the configuration

Custom Direct Deposit Configuration:

  • Implementation Partner(s) or Consultant(s) can create custom panel for Direct Deposit or clone the SAP standard Direct Deposit panel as a template
  • Customers can choose if they will use pay type for single panel (MAIN) or with multi-panels (PAYROLL (ADDITIONAL))
  • In SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central it is hardcoded to only use pay type MAIN and PAYROLL

MAIN with PAYROLL Direct Deposit:

  1. Two panels are required, one for MAIN and second for PAYROLL
  2. For the MAIN panel it should be a single panel:

    screenshot0008_ 10222018115723.png

  3. All keys in the MAIN panel should have '_Primary' at the end. (EC validates if the key Primary is present, it is considered as MAIN Pay Type):

    screenshot0004_ 10222018105438.png 

  4. No Need to add the keys with postfix '_Primary' in the data dictionary; if required, add the value to show in the generated reports for Onboarding
  5. For PAYROLL panel, it should be a multi-panel:

    screenshot0009_ 10222018120635.png

  6. All keys in the PAYROLL panel do not need the postfix '_Primary' at the end:

screenshot0011_ 10222018121708.png


  • Keys in the MAIN panel should also be present in PAYROLL without the postfix '_Primary'
  • When using multi-panel, the keys generated will have index count at the end until the number of panel ends (e.g. SAP_AccountType_1, SAP_AccountType_2, SAP_AccountType_3)
  • EC validates if the key does not have the postfix '_Primary' as it is considered a PAYROLL Pay Type
  1. All keys in the PAYROLL panel without the postfix '_Primary' should be available in the Data Dictionary as Repeating Fields and Integrations - EC Namespace:

    screenshot0012_ 10222018122648.png

    screenshot0013_ 10222018123116.png

  2. After adding the keys in Integrations - EC Namespace, the keys needed to be mapped in Field Mapping tool for integration with Employee Central:

    screenshot0003_ 10212018023509.png

MAIN Direct Deposit Only:

  1. If only one panel is required for Direct Deposit, follow the steps mentioned above from step 2 to 4
  2. Create a dummy wizard with a panel that includes all the data fields in the MAIN panel with out the postfix '_Primary':

    screenshot0015_ 10222018124150.png

The dummy panel should be the same with how PAYROLL panel is setup in the above steps.


  • Dummy Panel should be a multi-panel
  • All keys in the Dummy Panel panel does not need the postfix '_Primary' at the end.
  • Keys in the MAIN panel should also be present in Dummy Panel without the postfix '_Primary'
  • All keys in Dummy Panel without the postfix '_Primary' should be added in the Data Dictionary as a Repeating Field and Integrations - EC Namespace
  1. After adding the keys in Integrations - EC Namespace, the keys need to be mapped in the Field Mapping tool for integration with Employee Central:

    screenshot0003_ 10212018023509.png


SF, Success, Factors, ONB, OBD, Onboarding 1.0, Bank, Mapping, Payment, Information, Direct, Deposit, Map, Integration , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-INT , Integrations with Onboarding , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-EC-INT-ONB , Onboarding 1.0 to EC Integration , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions