If you have just updated the runtime and BOE Servers and having issues connecting, getting a Session, opening Crystal Reports, Universes ( classic ) or WEBI Doc's via a browser you can use this test application in .NET to do some testing, it is the basics and should be all that is required.
If this generates an error check the versions and permissions.
- Latest version.
- If you need to get all of the database info for Crystal Reports you can now do using the test app.
- Note: there is a Release build so it should work as is. See the Blog for more info
- Requires the 4.3.1 or 4.3.2 x64 .NET MSI package to be installed.
- Also note the SDK can be installed on the BOE Server, must match the BOE Serer version, we don't suipport mixing versions
Businessobects Business Inteligence Platform 4.x .NET SDK
BOE, sessions, Crystal Reports, Universes (classic), WEBI URL reporting. , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
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