SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2710851 - Not Able to Use Cash Account for Manual Entries for Sales Documents


You are trying to create a Manual Entry for Sales Documents using the Journal Entry Type 008, however you are not being able to select the Cash G/L Account.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to General Ledger Work Center.
  2. Select the Sub-View Journal Entry Vouchers.
  3. Click on button New.
  4. Select Journal Entry Voucher.
  5. Maintain the relevant data and check if the Set of Books is relevant.
  6. Click Add Row button.
  7. In the G/L Account column, search for the relevant one. Here, you can see that this is not available for selection.


You can only choose G/L Accounts of the Account Types that are permit the Account Assignments of the Sales Ledger.


The Accounts which can be used for the Manual Entry for Sales Documents are:

REVGAN – Revenues or Gains
OLIAB – Other Liabilities
ACLEAR – Accruals or Clearing
OASSET – Other Assets
COSEXP – Costs/Expenses
DIFFER – Differences

Please note that one of the Accounts Blocks (All Postings permitted or Only postings with subledger account assignment permitted) must be assigned to these G/L Accounts in configuration.

See Also

Help Document Manual Entries for Sales Documents.


Cash Account, Manual Entries for Sales Documents, G/L Account, Journal Entry, Journal Entry Voucher, Journal Entry Type. , KBA , not able to use , cash account , manual entries , sales documents , journal entry type , journal entry voucher , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To


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