This article describes how to permission the "Delete Form" button to specific roles and steps as part of the Performance Form workflow.
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Performance Management
- The default logic of the Delete Form button (when no Delete Form button permissions are defined) is that the Form Originator and Manager will see the the Delete Form button in the Inbox.
- However, the "Delete Form" button can be controlled by button permissions as well as from Form Template Settings.
1. You can activate it either in form template settings or in Manage templates.
- In Form template settings you can activate it by unchecking the "Disable Delete button"
- In Manage Templates, go to "General Settings, click " Show advanced options..." link and check the "Enable Delete Button" option.
2. Click on the "Button Permission(s) defined. Click to modify." link.
3. Select the type of permission. There are two types of access:
- None: the user cannot see the button
- Enabled: the user can see and click the button
4. After selecting the type of permission, select the "Delete Form" button.
5. Now, select the roles and route step.
In the sample permissions below, ALL the users doesn't have permission to the the "Delete Form" button in ALL route steps except for the Manager who can delete the form ONLY in a specific step.
Note: The Delete Form button permissions will only apply if it is enabled either in Form template settings or in Manage Templates as mentioned above. So for example, the "Disable Delete button" option is enabled in Form template settings, the delete form button will not show regardless of the button permissions you set in the manage templates.
Delete Form Button, Button Permission, Delete button, Delete Form, configuration, employee, manager, form originator, xml, button, permissions, none, enabled, inbox, form list, view, hide, disable, restrict, default, logic , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , How To