When creating a Registered Product from an Account, you would like to understand how the Sales Territory and the Service Territory fields are determined.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Currently, determination of Registered Product's Territories are based on the Account it belongs to. This only works when using single territory.
- If the Account does not have a Territory assigned, Sales Territory and Service Territory will be blank.
If the Account has only one Territory assigned, this Territory will be copied to the Sales Territory and the Service Territory fields.
If the Account has multiple Territories assigned, the first one on the Sales Territories table of the Account.
In tenants with multiple territory scoped there is no change of documents (e. g. Registered Product) during the Realignment Run.
This is the current expected system behavior.
If your scenario requires a finer control of Territory Determination for Registered Products, you may contact your implementation manager to help with such request or approach directly the SAP Cloud Service Center.
You can find more details about the services offered by Cloud Service Center on You can contact Cloud Service Center as follows:
- If you are a partner: please use or the Partnerfinder.
- If you are a customer: please use the little blue box “Contact Us” shown on the very right hand side of, choose “Contact Us”, choose “Services”, choose “SAP Custom Development” and complete the page
Note: The services of the SAP Cloud Service Center will be charged as packaged services based on fixed prices.
An alternative option may be to check the SAP Customer Influencer Site to submit an idea:
See Also
To understand how territories are assigned to accounts, please check the Realignment of Accounts and Territories Help Guide.
Registered Products ; Territories ; Accounts ; Realignment Runs ; Determination ; , KBA , LOD-LE-IBA-IPO , Installation Point , How To