SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2711760 - Time Sheet: Dynamic Break Deduction


Concept of dynamic break deduction in Time Sheet.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Time Sheet

Reproducing the Issue

Please also refer to the Implementing Employee Central Payroll Time Sheet handbook for further information

Before 1811

  • Only “fixed breaks” are possible in EC Time. Fixed breaks are defined in the workschedule with fixed clock times like for example from 12:00 – 13:00.
  • When an employee starts work on 11:00 the break gets generated already after 1 hour of working time.

After 1811

  • A break gets automatically generated after a configured duration of working time has passed.
  • For example: break deduction of 30 minutes after 6 hours of working time and another 15 minutes after 9 hours of working time.


Configuration Steps and the working of this feature:

  • Configure the field 'dynamic-break-config-code' in the job information portlet via Admin Center -> Manage Business Configuration.

1. BCUI.jpg

  • Provide permission to the field via Manage Permission Roles.

2. RBP.jpg

  • Navigate to Manage Data -> Create new 'Dynamic Break Configuration'. The configuration below means that after 6 hours of working time, there must be 30 minutes of break. Additionally if the total working time exceeds 7 hours, then there must be 60 minutes of break (including the 30 minutes for the 6 hours worked).

3. Dynamic Break Configuration.jpg

  • Assign the object to the job information field configured 'dynamic-break-config-code'.

4. Employee Profile.jpg

  • Refer the work schedule, where there is no scheduled breaks configured.

5. Work Schedule.jpg

  • In the Time Profile, make sure the Main Break Time Type is filled.

8. TimeProfile.jpg

  • Scenario 1: In employee's Time Sheet UI, the working time is set for a duration of 6 h 30 minutes, which means that there should be 00:30 minutes of break and therefore the additional break of 00:30 minutes gets automatically generated.

6. Time Sheet UI_1.jpg

  • Scenario 2: An additional working time of 1h 30 minutes is recorded. Which means that total working time is 7h 30 minutes ((06:30 + 01:30)-00:30 break time)), which exceeds 7:00 hours as per the dynamic break configuration, so additional 00:30 minutes are added (so in total the break time is 00:60 minutes).

7. Time Sheet UI _2.jpg


  • Scenario 3: Similarly while adding an absence, the break time is deducted from the total duration selected. In the below example, the duration is 6h 30 minutes (8:00AM to 2:30PM) but since the dynamic break configuration is set to have a compulsory break of 00:30 minutes after 6:00 hours of working time, the Requesting field shows only 6:00 hours as requested.

9. TimeOff.jpg


The calculation of the deduction quantity is only done for full day absences. Part day absences are not considered.

See Also

Implementing Employee Central Time Sheet


Time Sheet, Dynamic Break Deduction, TIM-6437, dynamic-break-config-code , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TMS-UI , UI - Errors, Trace, RBP, Permissions, Status , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions