You have migrated Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivable, however you noticed that it was posted to the wrong Master Data Record.
E.g.: You have a migration file for the following Customer Numbers and Customer Names:
10 Customer A
20 Customer B
30 Customer C
When you migrated it to the system, the system has renumbered to the following numbers:
10 Customer D (a customer that was manually added before the import)
20 Customer A
30 Customer B
40 Customer C
Then, when you imported AR/AP, you changed the file to reflect the Customer IDs that the system used:
10 Customer D open $100
20 Customer A open $105
30 Customer B open $110
40 Customer C open $115
The migration of Open AR/AP looked up the numbers on the original migration template and it got posted to the original customer from the file, and hence the following behavior occurs:
Customer D $100 posted to Customer Account A
Customer A $105 posted to Customer Account B
Customer B $110 posted to Customer Account C
Customer C $115 posted to Customer Account C, because there was no 40 in the original import file.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Work Center General Ledger.
- Go to View Reports.
- Go to Sub-View List.
- Find Account Receivable (or Account Payable) - Open Items.
- Fill the selection and check Document Numbers with Customer ID.
- Go to Work Center Business Configuration.
- Go to view Implementation Projects.
- Select the Project.
- Click Open Activity List.
- Search and Open the Activity Migration of Accounting Transaction Data.
- Select the option Migrate Accounting Transactions Data using the Migration Tool.
- Select second line.
- Click on Show Import Log of Open Items Receivable.
- Click Download.
- Check Document Number with Customer ID. You can see a message saying that there is no error during data import:'No Errors detected during data import'.
Issue occurred because when you imported AR/AP, you used the New Numbers that system has given to the customers.
When migrating the Account/Customer Data, you can decide whether the Accounts will keep the IDs you pass from the old system, or whether IDs are newly created within the ByD system.
Regardless, what you choose, all subsequent documents/transactional data should be able to translate the customer ID from the old system to the Account ID used in the ByD system. Therefore, when preparing the data for the Migration of the follow-up data, you do not need to change the Account ID, this is done by the System itself. To avoid any issues, when migrating Customer Data, it is recommended to keep External IDs.
Customer Accounts, Migration, External IDs, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Data Import, Master Data Records, Migration Tool, Account ID. , KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To