SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2712189 - How to Set the Default Value for Golden Tax Invoice Field in Customer Invoices


You want to know how to set the default value for the field Golden Tax Invoice in customer invoices.


SAP Business ByDesign all versions.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to Invoice Documents view.
  3. Open an invoice and go to the Genaral tab, you can see the field Golden Tax Invoice. Now the default value is Normal Invoice.
  4. You want to set the default value to Special Invoice.


You can set the VAT Payer Type in the account master data.

  • When the VAT Payer Type is Small Scale VAT Payer, the default value of Golden Tax Invoice in the invoice is Normal Invoice. You are not able to select Special Invoice with the type.
  • When the VAT Payer Type is Normal VAT Payer, the default value of Golden Tax Invoice in the invoice is Special Invoice. You are able to select Normal Invoice manually in the invoice.


  1. Go to Account Manangement work center.
  2. Go to Accounts view.
  3. Open one account and in General tab.
  4. In the Details section, you are able to see the field VAT Payer Type,  select Normal VAT Payer and save it.
  5. In the new invoices created after the modification in account master data, system determines the Golden Tax Invoice to Sepcial Invoice accordingly.


Golden Tax Invoice; VAT Payer Type; GT Invoice , KBA , AP-CI-CI-GLO , Cross-Country Extensions , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions