SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2713013 - How-To: Create and Maintain Bookmarks in Reports


The Bookmarks feature represents a predefined combination of selection and view in a single entry when working with reports, so it becomes more simple for casual users to work with reports. Below you will find a complete guide on how to create new bookmarks and see the existing ones.


SAP Business ByDesign


Creating new bookmarks:

  1. Navigate to the Business Analytics work center.
  2. Navigate to the Design Reports work center view.
  3. Search for the report you are working with, for example, Account Details.
  4. Open and execute the report.
  5. Design the report view with the characteristics you would like to have in the bookmark, also adding any selection criteria to filter the values which are going to be displayed.
  6. Click on the Options button.
  7. Navigate to the option Bookmark and click on Save As Bookmark.
  8. Add the bookmark name and description, in case it is needed, you can also specify if the bookmark will be available for mobile devices.
  9. Click on Save button.
  10. The bookmark will be saved and the message Bookmark successfully saved in Report List will be displayed.

Checking existing Bookmarks:

  1. While in the report, click on the Options button.
  2. Navigate to the option Bookmark and click on Show Bookmark Pane.
  3. A new tab will be placed next to the View tab, called Bookmark.
  4. In this tab, all the existing bookmarks related to this report will be displayed.
  5. You will have the possibility of change some parameters (Name, Description, Selection, View, etc) of the existing bookmarks as well as creating new bookmarks from this tab using the button +.
  6. To use the bookmark, you can simply click on the bookmarks that are displayed on the list within the report and the data will be displayed accordingly to the view and selection parameters which were defined for the bookmark.


Bookmarks; Analytics; How To; Selection; View; Business Analytics; Reports; View; Selection; , KBA , csg_q , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions