You have executed the Foreign Currency Remeasurement For Cash and the balance amount is showing as XXX (XXX implies amount) which is not as expected and not matching with Cash - Trial Balance.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Payment Management work center.
- Click Foreign Currency Remeasurement for Cash view.
- Select the Run and click view.
- Navigate to the tab Remeasured Balances.
- Balance Amount is showing as XXX.
Filter the Cash - Trial Balance with exact selection criteria of Foreign Currency Remeasurement Run for Cash in order to compare and check the balances.
To Crosscheck the balances, proceed as follows:
From the Cash - Trial Balance, bring in the Key figures Ending Balance Line Item Currency and Ending Balance Company Currency as the Foreign Currency Remeasurement (FCR) works on the line item currency.
Then match the following:
Balance Amount (FCR) -> Ending Balance Line Item Currency (Trial Balance).
Historic Valuation Amount (FCR) -> Ending Balance Company Currency (Trial Balance).
foreign currency remeasurement for cash; fcr; remeasured balances , KBA , AP-ACC-CSF , Cash Ledger Account Foreign Currency Remeasurement Run , How To