The curricula had its assignment updated through the import data feature, but the items' assignment date did not change as expected.
SAP Successfactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
In the Learning admin side, click:
System Administration > System Management Tools > Import Data > Curricula Assignment >
- Update > Add the file > Run the job > Note the items' assignment date within the curricula do not have it updated.
This is an expected behavior of the system as the assignment date is in line when the item (from the curricula) was appropriately added to the users' learning plan. It means that any item that is added to the curricula after the assignment of the curricula itself to users will not have its assignment date updated, for example, through the import data feature.
E.g.: Curricula A, with item 1. Curricula A is added to user 100, then the item 2 is added to the curricula A. Now, through the import data feature, the assignment date is updated, but only item 1 has it changed. Item 2 remains with the same assignment date.
In case the item within the curricula has a required date and it is affected because the assignment date was not updated, it would be possible to have the required date manually updated through the Learning admin side. Click:
People > Users > Search and access the desired user > Assigned Items > Edit (pencil icon) >
- Find the desired item > Change the required date through the "Required Date" field > Save.
In case it is desired to have the data related to the dates the items were added to the curricula and when the curricula was added to the user's learning plan, use the below queries, respectively, in a custom report:
- select * from PH_QUAL_CPNT where QUAL_ID = 'curricula id' and ACTION = 'I' order by LST_UPD_TSTMP asc
- select * from PH_STUD_QUAL where STUD_ID = 'user id' and ACTION = 'I'
See Also
2546699 - Assignment Date of Curricula does not change on reassigning curricula - LMS
2379690 - Custom Report Development and Support - SAP SuccessFactors Learning
item, assignment, date, curricula, update, change, import, data, add, curriculum, modify, plan, assigned , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , LOD-SF-LMS-CUR , Curricula , Problem