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2713668 - Defunct IQ_MPX_SERVER_Pxxx connections result in versioning in SAP IQ


  • Defunct IQ_MPX_SERVER_Pxxx connections result in versioning in SAP IQ.
  • INC Connection failure occurred between Coordinator and Secondary nodes. The following messages were reported in IQMSG file

    Coordinator node .iqmsg:

I. 09/06 01:11:28. 0000024218 Connect: SA connHandle: 17255 SA connID: 84 IQ connID: 0000024218 User: dbo
I. 09/06 01:11:28. 0000024218 Rbck
I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000024218 TxnG 2093662550 11 2093662537
I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 17255 SA connID: 84 IQ connID: 0000024218 User: dbo

Secondary node .iqmsg:

I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000137141 GThrow sqlcode: -1006274 from dblib/db_catalog.cxx:823 Args: "Connection was terminated"
I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000137141 Exception Thrown from dblib/db_catalog.cxx:823, Err# 5, tid 193 origtid 193
I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000137141 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 12291 (inc_CommandHandlerException); SQLCode: -1004012, SQLState: 'QIA12', Severity: 14
I. 09/06 01:21:44. 0000137141 [21223]: INC communication between coordinator and secondary failed due to : Connection was terminated
-- (dblib/db_catalog.cxx 823)

  • sp_iqconnection output show this connection still active in Coordinator. In some cases one is able to drop the defunct connection , but in this case the connection does not drop by drop connection command.

ConnHandle AppName UserId MainUsedMB TempUsedMB TempWorkMB BlkdBy Threads ConnCreateTime LastIQCmdTime OldestTranTime ClientIP IQCmdType AppInfo

----------- -------------------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
17255 IQ_MPX_SERVER_P949 dbo 0 0 0 0 0 Sep 6 2018 1:11AM Sep 6 2018 1:21AM Sep 6 2018 1:21AM XX.XX.XXX.XXX NONE 2093662550 24218



SAP IQ 16.0 SP 11 PL 11 Multiplex on Linux x64


SAP IQ 16.0


 Sybase ; version ; other versions ; mpx ; writer ; CR816598, CR#816598, 816598 ; connection , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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