You want to know how the Language fields on the Lead header correspond to Lead conversion.
SAP Cloud for Customer
There are two standard fields available on the Lead header, both called Language. One is in the Account Information section, the other can be found in the Contact Information section.
Respectively, during a lead conversion to account and contact, the language in the new objects will be pulled from those fields.
You can mark those fields as mandatory if necessary, or hide them, if you do not want them to be available.
If you ever notice, that the language you expect to be transported from lead to contact is actually that you expect on the other, please check if you moved one of the language fields to the other section and then hid the other one.
Please always check Personalize, too.
Personalize, Adapt, Edit Master Layout, Field, Language, Contact, Account, Prospect, Lead, header. , KBA , LOD-CRM-LM , Lead Management , How To