SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2715609 - Delete Icon Missing For Child Opportunities Under Hierarchy Tab in Opportunity


Once you expand the opportunity hierarchy, delete icon is not available to delete child opportunity


SAP Hybris Cloud For Customer.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales work center
  2. Go to the Opportunities view
  3. Open Opportunity XYZ (XYZ represents opportunity id)
  4. Go to Hierarchy tab
  5. Expand parent opportunity
  6. Select the child opportunity

Here delete icon is missing, Action cloumn is empty.


Cloumn 'ID' is not visible, make sure column id visible in the hierarchy list. The delete icon should then be visible and allow delete child opportunities.


Follow the below steps to add ID column to enable delete icon:

  1. Go to the Sales work center
  2. Go to the Opportunities view
  3. Click on Adapt
  4. Select Edit master layout
  5. Open Opportunity XYZ (XYZ represents opportunity id)
  6. Go to Hierarchy tab
  7. Hover the cursor on any cloumn under hierarchy section
  8. Click on 'Add Fields'
  9. Select the ID field
  10. Click on Apply
  11. Again click on Adapt
  12. Select End layout changes

Now delete icon is visible in action column to delete child opportunities. Subsequently the "ID" can be hidden again, and delete icon should continue to show up.


Delete icon missing opportunity hierarchy, Action column empty , KBA , delete icon missing , opportunity hierarchy , action cloumn blank , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions