You wish to configure additional Activity types (/ Material) for DIP profile however there is no SSCUI in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.
- SAP ERP Project System (PS)
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Material determination configuration within the DIP (Dynamic Item Processor) is not possible at the moment. Therefore, additional material/ activity types should not be created.
As per SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition Release Restriction SAP Note (for example 2647911), the design is that the name of the pre-delivered activity types should be adopted as per customer own requirement.
For the Professional Services Cloud, there is a set of pre-delivered Activity types:
Activity Types T* are used to manage Roles in Customer Projects. There are 20 pre-delivered activity Types T* (T001 - T020). You can change the description of these 20 activity types to define your own roles; you can maintain the proper cost rate in the “Maintain Activity Cost Rates” app. All other materials will be determined to T999 (Miscellaneous Services).
Activity Types U* (UBB = usage-based billing) are used to capture service units, for example, tickets raised by the customers. (ref. Test script J11, chapter 2.4). There are 10 pre-delivered activity Types U*. You can change the description of these 10 activity types to define your own services.
Example:Activity type T001 (Junior consultant)
Plan/actual cost rate: 55,00€ x hour - this value is used to calculate planned/actual costs on the project.
Material T001 (Junior consultant) sales price 80,00€ x hour - this is the value billed to the customer.
Some points to note:
- Activity types T* and U* are in 1:1 relationship with materials T* and U*.
- Sales prices for these T* and U* materials are defined in the “Set Service Price” app.
- Additional activity types available are expense items E001 - E040 and external service S001.
ODP1, Dynamic Item Processor, Manage Activity Types, U001, U010, T001, T020, T999 , KBA , IS-PRS-CNT , S/4 HANA: Professional Service Content , PS-REV , Revenues and Eamings , CA-CPD-SS , S/4HANA Public Cloud – Professional Service Projects , PS-FIO-REV , Fiori UI for Project Systems-Revenues and Reso. Rel. Billing , How To