When trying to create a new Ticket, the message Document Type ABC does not match process variant appears. (ABC represents the name of the Document Type)
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Service work center.
- Select the Tickets view.
- Click New
- Try to save ticket, the message Document Type ABC does not match process variant appears.
There are a few scenarios where this error message can be experienced, such as the following:
- The user is assigned to both Customer Support and Employee Support work center views.
- The Employee Support and Customer Support scenarios are both enabled in the tenant, and there are Code List Restrictions enabled for Ticket Type. In case this Code List Restriction is valid for all business roles, and the user role has the default ticket type allowed, when the user clicks on + to create a ticket, the default process variant will be assigned, generating the error.
For the first scenario:
In order to fix the error, it would be required to remove the Employee Support view under the Service work center from the affected user / affected user business role. Users with only Service work center will not see this error message.
When using Service scenario, the Employee Support workcenter view should not be assigned to User.
SAP Cloud for Customer application can be used to support both scenarios in the same system, however the same Business User cannot support both scenarios at the same time.
If same Employee needs to support, then two login users have to be created, one with Service related workcenter views and one with Employee Support related workcenter views.
For the second scenario:
It would be required to maintain different Code List Restrictions for each scenario, and it would be necessary to assign the user business role to it, accordingly.
Also, it is highly recommended to remove this Employee Support ticket type from the Code List Restrictions, or to maintain the allowed ticket types for Business roles for different process variants.
Employee, Process Variant, Document Type, Ticket, Error, Error Message, Create, New, Document Type ABC Does Not Match Process Variant, Match, Document Type Does Not Match Process Variant, C4C, Service, , KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To