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2716180 - Error: 1576 / Deadlock syscharsets - ASE


00:0008:00000:02418:2018/11/07 06:14:54.08 server  Deadlock Id 17 detected
Deadlock Id 17 detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 17: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 2418, Suid 4) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'objid '1228528379' at line 140 at nested level 1.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 2418 was involved in application 'isql'.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 2418 was involved on host name 'hst_name'.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 2418 was involved in transaction 'syscharsets'.
SQL Text: sp_helpsort

Executing procedure: sp_helpsort
Subordinate SQL Text:

** Insert the list of built-in and external Unilib
** sort orders into syscharsets. This is a special
** feature of the sortkey built-in function.
select @image = sortkey(null, "all")

/* List of sort order names, ids and table names */

Deadlock Id 17: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1967, Suid 4) was executing a SELECT command in the procedure 'objid 1228528379' at line 140 at nested level 1.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 1967 was involved in application 'isql'.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 1967 was involved on host name 'hst_name'.
Deadlock Id 17: Process 1967 was involved in transaction 'syscharsets'.
SQL Text: sp_helpsort

Executing procedure: sp_helpsort
Subordinate SQL Text:

** Insert the list of built-in and external Unilib
** sort orders into syscharsets. This is a special
** feature of the sortkey built-in function.
select @image = sortkey(null, "all")

/* List of sort order names, ids and table names */

Deadlock Id 17: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 1967) was waiting for a 'exclusive table' lock on table 'syscharsets' in database 'master' but process (Familyid 0, Spid 2418) already held a 'exclusive intent' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 17: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 2418) was waiting for a 'exclusive table' lock on table 'syscharsets' in database 'master' but process (Familyid 0, Spid 1967) already held a 'exclusive intent' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 17: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 2418) was chosen as the victim.
Victim process host = `hst_name', user = `aaa' program name = `isql' host processes = `46465202' .

End of deadlock information.

Error in ASE errorlog:

Error: 1576, Severity: 20, State: 1

Unable to lock syscharsets table to update sort order information.




SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


deadlock, syscharsets , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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