You are trying to upload your solution to the target tenant but the deployment failed with the below error:-
Association XYZ is a cross-deployment-unit association, where XYZ is the association name.
SAP Cloud Application Studio
SAP Business ByDesign
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Login to SDK.
- Upload the ZIP file of the solution.
- Deployment failed with the error.
This is because you have the custom business object (BO-1) belongs to one deployment unit eg. Foundation and you have an association within the custom BO-1 to an another BO (BO-2). Where the BO-2 belongs to an another deployment unit for eg. Customer Relationship Management.
This is a cross-deployment association which is not allowed.
In such cases you can only read values, you cannot change/ assign values. You will have to use a BO which is in the same deployment unit to achieve your requirement.
Cross-Deployment Association Identifier is readonly and cannot be changed. , KBA , cross-deployment association in sdk , error during upload in sdk , cannot use psm released bo , AP-RC-BDS-BO , ByDesign Studio BO definition/generation , AP-RC-BDS-1O , ByDesign Studio OneOffs , AP-RC-BDS-SCR , ByDesign Studio Scripting (ABSL) , Problem