SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2718965 - Automatic Product Determination in Survey Not Working


You've maintained automatic product determination from product list to the product type survey XXX (XXX represents the survey ID), but when you fulfill the survey, no product is determined.


SAP Cloud for Customer 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Visits work center.
  2. Open the visit YYY (YYY represents the visit ID).
  3. Go to the Surveys facet.
  4. Add the survey XXX.
  5. Open the survey XXX to the fill the answers.
  6. No product appears in the survey. 


The product list assigned to the survey does not have direct products assigned to it, only products categories.


This is the standard behavior of the system.

If this feature/functionality is required urgently, please refer to KBA 3475641 - Functionality Currently not Available.


Survey, Product, Product List, Determination , KBA , LOD-LE-SUR-EXE , Survey execution = runtime , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions