- When connecting Designer to Sybase ASE 16 repository, get the error listed below:
- ERROR: Sybase connection error: <Sybase CS Library message number <101188867> Severity <5>: Message Text is: ct_connect():directory service layer: internal directory control layer error: Requested server name not found.>. (BODI-1112172)
- ERROR: Sybase connection error <sybase cs library message number 84083972> Severity <5> message text is: networks packet layer internal net library error net-lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed. BODI-1112172
- SAP Data Services 4.2
- Sybase ASE 16
SAP Data Services 4.2
Sybase, connection, error, CS, library, 101188867, Severity, 5, ct_connect(), directory, service, layer, control, server, name, not, found, BODI-1112172 , KBA , EIM-DS-DES , User Interface/Designer , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Problem
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