No Template Found When Preview the Service Order from Order Pipeline OWL page
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to Field Service and Repair Work Center View.
2. Go to Order Pipeline OWL
3. Search any order, click Preview. there is no template found.
1. Go to 'Business Configuration' Work Center.
2. Go to 'Implementation Project' view.
3. Select it and click on 'Edit Project Scope'.
4. Now, move to 'Questions' by clicking on next again and again.
5. Service >service and Repair >Communication for service and repair, You find the question as Marked ("Do you want to receive service orders electronically from your customers using Electronic Data Exchange?").
6. Uncheck the question "Do you want to receive service orders electronically from your customers using Electronic Data Exchange?"
7. Click next and confirm.
Service Order; Preview; No Template Found , KBA , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , Problem