When Get Feedback is used to route a form to a Get Feedback Provider, the step due date is not visible to that user on the To Do tile (Review Performance).
The step due date is only visible from the Route Map header within the open form.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SuccessFactors Performance Management
Reproducing the Issue
- Configure a due date on a route map step
- Enable Get Comments/Get Edits on the Performance Form template
- Launch the form (Example - First step is a Manager single step)
- As a Manager, open the form and click on Get Feedback
- Select a user and send the form out for Get Feedback
- Log-in as the Get Feedback provider
- Go to Home Page
- Click on Review Performance tile
There is no due date for the step:
4. Open the Performance Form
The route map header displays the due date for this step:
- A step due date indicates when a route map step is due to the role(s) included in that step.
- The Get Feedback feature allows a rater to send an entire form to someone outside the route map for ratings and comments.
- The Get Feedback provider cannot actually send the form to the next route map step, only back to the original user within that step.
- The To Do alerts are not contingent on step due dates, therefore a To Do alert will appear for the Get Feedback provider.
- However, the step due date configured in the route map step will only display as an alert on the To Do tile of the role included in that route map step i.e. in the above example, it will only display to the Manager.
- The step due date will display by default in the route map header (if a due date is configured) - this does not behave the same was as due dates on the To Do tile.
Performance Management, PM, review, form, get feedback, provider, to do, homepage, tile, review performance, due date, step due date, visible, route map, manager, employee , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-FBK , Feedback: Get Feedback, Ask for Feedback, etc. , LOD-SF-PM , Performance Management , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions