When moving a chapter up (with the left <-- arrow) there is an error
In the application server logs, there is the following error
2018-11-22 14:52:43.9952 [22] [ERROR] ==>
-------- Begin --------
ErrorID: 2a911329-d5ee-4bd2-b608-2da8b7832f1d
Error in path: Unknown
Raw url: Unknown
Message: Error 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AclId', table 'DisclosureManagementDB.Report.Chapters'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.' at line [256]
German equivalent
2018-11-2 13:19:02.4731 [17] [ERROR] ==>
-------- Begin --------
ErrorID: 38ee76fa-8b5b-45f7-8bdd-d1f3081817e4
Message: Error 'Der Wert NULL kann in die AclId-Spalte, DisclosureManagementDB.Report.Chapters-Tabelle nicht eingefügt werden. Die Spalte lässt NULL-Werte nicht zu. Fehler bei UPDATE.' at line [256]
Disclosure Management 10.1
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AclId', table 'DisclosureManagementDB.Report.Chapters Chapter Hierarchy , KBA , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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