SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2723958 - Selection Screen Missing for User in Stock Overview


You cannot find selection screen, when you try to access the Stock Overview.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the work center Outbound Logistics.
  2. Select Common tasks.
  3. Click on Stock Overview button.
  4. You will see a screen with no selection Screen and data.


The Particular user does not have access to the Business Analytics Work center.


  1. Go to Application and User Management work center.
  2. Select Business User option.
  3. Select the particular User.
  4. Click Edit Access Rights.
  5. In the Work Center and View Assignment tab, Search for Business Analytics work center.
  6. Assign the work center to the user by clicking the Assign Check box.


Stock Overview, Reports, Business Analytics, Selection Screen, Access , KBA , SRD-CC-IAM , Identity & Access Management , Problem


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