You would like to understand how the general ledger account balances are calculated. As you see there is a difference in total in the report compared to the system.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to General Ledger work center.
- Go to view General Ledger Accounts.
- Chose Advanced button.
- Select the General Ledger account, Company, Set of Books.
- Select the period.
- Chose the button Go.
- Check the account balance.
- Now compare this result with the General Ledger Accounts - Line Items report with the same selection parameters.
You observe that the results are different.
The one reson could be the selection parameters that you are passing in the report and comparing it with the current data in the system is incorrect. The account balance in the system is cumulative. What you see is till the given period that is same as Trial Balance. But General Ledger - Line items is only for that period balance, only for that given selection.
There could also be other reason on why the balance is not the same.
To get the desired result, you need to pass on the parameter as <= acc per in the period selection and not = acc per for any given period. Now the result in the report matches the result in the system.
General Ledger Account Balance, G/L Account - Line Items, Report balance , KBA , SRD-FIN-ANA , Analytics Content , Problem