You replicate materials from SAP ERP and you get an error in the Webservice Message Monitoring in your C4C (SAP Cloud for Customer) system.
Error: Data objects in Unicode programs cannot be converted.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Replicate materials from SAP ERP, then monitor the message in Cloud for Customer's Webservice Message Monitoring.
The error is due to the missing ABC unit (where ABC is the Quantity Unit of measure) in Code List Mapping activity.
<ID schemeAgencyID=" ">XYZ</ID> (where XYZ is the GTIN number)
You need to maintain the external code ABC in code list mapping activity for Data Type QuantityUnitOfMeasure.
GTIN, Unicode, Material Replication, Data Object, Quantity Unit of Measure , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , Problem