SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2724306 - How to Invoice Completed Contracts With Open Scheduled Invoice Requests


A contract has been canceled, but all the open scheduled invoice request items must be invoiced before they are due in the invoice schedule.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Sales Order workcenter.
  2. Open the Contracts view.
  3. Open the contract ABC (ABC represents the contract ID).
  4. Navigate to the Items tab.
  5. Select a Cancellation Reason.
  6. Select Invoice Cancellation: Keep Invoice Requests.
  7. Save the contract.

Once the cancellation task is processed, the contract is set to status Completed.

  1. Open the contract ABC.
  2. Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab.
  3. Select the Invoice Schedule subtab.
  4. All Fields in the invoice schedule are grayed out.

The dates for the Invoice Schedule cannot be changed anymore.


  • Once the contract is set to status Completed, the Pricing Data in the contract cannot be altered anymore.
  • The invoice schedule cannot be adjusted anymore and it is not possible to set the dates.
  • To create all invoice requests from the invoice schedule, a workaround is necessary.
  • To cancel all open invoice schedules for the item, it is possible to select the Action Cancel Open Dates in the invoice schedule.


How to create all invoice requests from the invoice schedule:

  1. Open the Business Configuration workcenter.
  2. Open fine tuning activity Time Horizon for Scheduled Invoice Requests Run.
  3. Select a value for days, that includes the latest day of the invoice schedule.
  4. Save the fine tuning activity.
  5. Trigger the scheduled invoice requests (follow KBA 2707172 - How to Manually Trigger Sales Order Invoice Schedule).
  6. Open the fine tuning activity and set the horizon back to the original value.

This solution also works with an invoice schedule in a completed sales order.

How to cancel all open invoice schedules for an item:

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Go to the Contract view.
  3. Open Contract ABC.
  4. Go to the Pricing and Invoicing tab
  5. Go to the Invoice Schedule sub tab.
  6. Select line item YY (YY represents the ID of the desired Line Item on the Contract).
  7. Click on the Action button
  8. Select the Cancel open dates option.

All open dates for this item are then canceled.

See Also

KBA 2707172 - How to Manually Trigger Sales Order Invoice Schedule


Invoice Schedule, Cancellation Reason, Keep Invoice Requests, Time Horizon, Scheduled Invoice Requests, Rechnungsterminplan, Absagegrund, Rechnungsanforderung beibehalten, cancel, Rechnung stornieren, Vertrag, Kundenauftrag, Contract, Sales Order , KBA , AP-CCP-CC , Customer Contract , How To


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