Customer updated the value of yesNo picklist coming from backend and now value is not shown because of advanced condition
Reproducing the Issue
In a panel , field : Housing : Yes / No Picklist
If Housing is Yes then Housing Allowance field shows up.
values are coming from RCM and are populating perfectly fine in panel, i.e if Housing is selected Yes then Housing Allowance field is filled with amount passed from RCM
These fields are editable as per customer requirements And when we select No to Housing , Housing allowance field disappears and when we again say Yes - the amount which was showing earlier in Housing Allowance field disappears.
Expected behaviour
This is expected behavior. 'No' picklist ensures existing value to be removed for new value. it acts as a button which can save value. So, when you select No in picklist - it ensures that you do not want value in the Housing Allowance key and thus value is removed however this is not changed in Backend unless you press Next or back button.
you can retrieve the existing value only if you have not pressed "Back" or "Next" button and Clicked on Close without saving.
Apart from this, if you clicked Next or back , Value for Housing Allowance will be captured as empty value
Picklist issue, yesNo picklist , advanced condition , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-INT , Integrations with Onboarding , Problem