You are creating a customer invoice approval rule with a threshold of 10USD.
- Customer Invoices with a total value above 10USD go into approval.
- Credit Memos with a total value above 10USD are released without approval.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Navigate to the Application and User Management workcenter.
- Open the Approval Process view.
- Open the approval rule for Customer Invoice.
- You have one condition with:
- Field: Net Value.
- Compare Operator: Greater Than.
- With: Value 10USD.
Credit memos are not going into approval.
The Compare Indicator is checking the Net Value, which in a credit memo is negative.
- For approval rules in credit memos, you need to use a negative Compare Operator.
Navigate to the Application and User Management workcenter.
- Open the Approval Process View.
- Copy the approval rule for Customer Invoice.
- Edit the condition with:
- Field: Net Value.
- Compare Operator: Less Than.
- With: Value -10USD.
- Activate the rule.
Now all credit memos with a credit net value of more than 10 USD will go into approval.
Approval, Customer Invoice, Credit Memo, Net Value, Genehmigung, Kundenrechnung, Gutschrift, Nettowert , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign 1811 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1902