- Can we filter the roles that we see in this section?
- Can we hide remove the "Browse Job Roles" block in the Career Worksheet?
- Can we hide active Job Roles from the Career Worksheet?
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Career & Development Planning
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Development section
- Select Career Worksheet
- Select My Job Roles
- Click Browse Job Roles
- You can see all job roles that are configured in your families and role.
JPB Behavior -
- Career Path - Implementing and Managing Career Development Planning - Granting Permissions to Use Career Path
- Career Worksheet - Implementing and Managing Career Development Planning - Granting Access Permission to Career Worksheet Template
JDM Behavior -
The feature "Browse Job Roles" in Career Worksheet will show all configured roles in your families and role. We cannot filter what roles we can see in this section.
It is not possible to hide or remove the "Browse Job Roles" block in the Career Worksheet. This block is hardcoded in the system. The same is true for the My Current Roles, and Job Roles I'm Considering tabs.
Note 1: By default the Career Worksheet displays all Job Roles in the system - both active and inactive. Only deleted roles do not show.
The 'Suggested Roles' tab can be hidden via RBP > Career Development Planning > deselect "Career Worksheet Suggested Roles Access Permission"
Note 2: With JPB enabled, if you see a star * next to the Job Role title:
This means that there is an issue with one or both of the following:
- the translations not being maintained for each language. Please review all translations in Manage Job Profile Content from Admin Center and make sure there are translations for all languages, including English US.
- the migration from JDM to JPB has not been completed. Please refer to KBA 2276692 - Clarification on Migration option from JDM to JPB
Role Name Display:
The role node cannot accommodate long role names. Longer role names will be cut to fit the role node. To see the full label users must hover their mouse over the role name:
- TIH is an upgraded project to support SKILL, while previous JPB/CofC doesn't support SKILL.
- After upgrade to TIH, both COMPETENCY and SKILL are standard types.
- Career Worksheet will try to load configuration from TIH for both library types.
- If SKILL type is inactive, that will cause an exception on Career Worksheet side, since CWS assume both standard library types are always there.
Career Worksheet, Browse Job Roles, Filter Browse Job Roles, Browse Job Roles block, Job Roles I'm Considering, filter Roles, hide browser Job Roles , KBA , LOD-SF-CDP-CW , Career Worksheet , LOD-SF-TIH-JPB , Job Profile Builder , Problem