SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2726887 - Translated PDI Fields show ID not Description in a Report


You have translated PDI fields via the language adaptation in Administrator Work Center, when you run the report you notice those fields show ID and not description; In selection level however they show correct name on view level.


  • SAP Cloud for Customer
  • SAP ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

Maintain the desired language in adaption language for those fields.

  1. Go to the Business Analytics work center.
  2. Go to the Design Report view.
  3. Run the Report where those PDI fields are translated.
  4. Select tab Selection.

You can see those fields show only ID. Now select tab View (RUI) or Row&Colum (HTML5). You can see same fields show description.


If those fields are coming via personalization (added via Add Fields), the translations from language adaptation do not work as expected.


Add those fields via report wizard, the translation should work. For the translation to work correctly, we recommend to translate PDI fields via Studio (SDK).


PDI fields, translate PDI Fields,Wrong label,Wrong fields name ,technical ID , KBA , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions