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2727303 - AS Java - Long Running GC - PartNew (promotion failed)


Performance issue can be experienced in AS Java. In server log files, long running Garbage Collector (GC) can be found with specific "failure" events.

  • dev_server:
    J (concurrent mode failure) J
    : 2588559K->2088555K(2796544K), 6.8900774 secs] 3636936K->3088578K(4019584K), [Metaspace: 342006K->342006K(600064K)], 6.9118754 secs] [Times: user=9.24 sys=0.00, real=6.91 secs]
    J  850412.143: [GC 850412.144: [ParNew (promotion failed): 1048320K->1048330K(1223040K), 0.3312552 secs]850412.475: [CMSJ 
  • std_server:
    (concurrent mode failure): 2588559K->2088555K(2796544K), 6.8900774 secs] 3636936K->3088578K(4019584K), [Metaspace: 342006K->342006K(600064K)], 6.9118754 secs] [Times: user=9.24 sys=0.00, real=6.91 secs]
    850412.143: [GC 850412.144: [ParNew (promotion failed): 1048320K->1048330K(1223040K), 0.3312552 secs]850412.475: [CMS: 2088557K->2088553K(2796544K), 5.5561539 secs] 3136875K->3088578K(4019584K), [Metaspace: 341994K->341994K(600064K)], 5.8878224 secs] [Times: user=9.59 sys=0.00, real=5.89 secs]



  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
  • SAP Java Virtual Machine


SAP Java Virtual Machine all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


concurrent mode failure, promotion failed, long running GC, heap size, old generation, young generation , KBA , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , SV-PERF-JAS , SAP NetWeaver AS Java related performance issues , Problem

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