Verify General Journal Entries - For Processor Inbox and Outbox FIORI applications are opening with the following error:
A problem occurred while reading the data.
Check the URL parameters and the scenario definition. To check the scenario definition, in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, chosse Gateway Service Enablement -> Content -> Task Gateway Service -> Scenario Definition.
- Task Gateway
- SAP Gateway
SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP Platform
- Verify General Journal Entries - For Processor (Inbox and Outbox) FIORI application.
SAP_GWFND, IW_PGW, /IWPGW/TGW, /IWWRK/WORKFLOW, Assign Consumer Type to Scenario, /sap/opu/odata/IWPGW/TASKPROCESSING;mo;v=2/ScenarioCollection?$filter=key eq 'FI_GLJE_VER', FI_GLJE_VER, Task Type TS02800035, SAP_SFIN_BC_GL_PARKDCPST catalog, /IWWRK/SAPLWF_TGW, /IWWRK/LWF_TGWU04, function /IWWRK/WF_TGW_TASK_DEFINITION, verifyGLDocument, scenarioId=FI_GLJE_VER&outbox=true&showAdditionalAttributes=true, CALL METHOD lo_tgw_config->get_scenarios, READ_CONFIG_CONSUMER_SCENARIO /IWPGW/CL_TGW_EDP_TASK, DESKTOP, MOBILE, TABLET. , KBA , die angegebene http-methode ist für die , /iwfnd/cm_consumer122 , in der uri der datenservices-anforderung , OPU-BSC-TGW , Task Gateway , FI-GL , General Ledger Accounting , Problem
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