SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2728297 - Ireland National ID Or Personal Public Service Number (PPS) Validation


Personal Public Service (PPS) numbers are allocated by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.

If National ID deep validation check-box is not enabled then:

  1. Valid values should be as per the regular expression format defined in CSFSDM.
  2. For Invalid values - validation should be thrown to match the regular expression values. 

If National ID deep validation is enabled then:

  1. Valid values should be as per the logic defined for the respective country.
  2. If a value matching the regular expression as per CSFSDM is updated , but that value doesn't match the logic defined for that country then validation should be thrown.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Localization & Country Specifics


Current Code

<country id="IRL">
<format-group id="national-id">
<format id="PPSN">
<instruction>Personal Public Service Number</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="de-DE">Personenkennzeichen</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="el-GR">Αριθμός Μητρώου Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="en-GB">Personal Public Service Number</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="es-ES">Número personal de servicio público</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="es-MX">Número personal de servicio público</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="fi-FI">Personal Public Service Number</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="fr-CA">Numéro personnel pour les services publics (Irlande)</instruction>
<instruction xml:lang="fr-FR">Numéro personnel de sécurité sociale</instruction>

Aditional Information

@Employee Central Product Support: See internal memo for further guidance

See Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection here 

Modulus 23 calculation

The alphabetic check character in position 8 is calculated using a weighted addition of all the numbers and a modulus 23 calculation. It therefore checks for incorrectly entered digits and for digit transposition - digits in the wrong order will alter the sum due to the weightings.

The alphabetic character in position 8 will continue to operate as a check character for all existing and the new range of PPS numbers.  To avoid any confusion between an “old” number and a “new” number using the same 7 numeric values in the first 7 positions, the modulus 23 calculation will be revised as follows:

  1. A numeric value will be allocated to the new alphabetic character in position 9, with “A” = 1, “B” = 2, C = 3, etc. An existing “W” or a blank will be allocated a numeric value of zero.
  2. A weighting of 9 will be assigned to the numeric equivalent of the alphabetic character in position 9.
  3. Accordingly the check character for the “old” number 1234567 is “T”, whereas the check character for the “new” number 1234567_A will be “F”.

The new Modulus 23 calculation will not alter the alphabetic check character for existing PPS numbers as a numeric value of zero will be applied to a blank or a “W” in position 9.

NOTE: "B" character was recently introduced for position 9 (first half-year release of 2024). The regular expression must be adjusted from [\d]{7}[A-W]{1}[AWXTZ]{0,1} to [\d]{7}[A-W]{1}[ABWXTZ]{0,1}.


ECT-109942, PPSN, National ID, Ireland,NNNNNNNAA,[\d]{7}[A-W]{1}[ABWXTZ]{0,1}, INC7845971 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-PER-NAT , National ID - Config, Rules, RBP, UI , How To


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