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2729049 - Error queue destroyed with pending reported error, double abort crash -- SAP IQ 16


  • SAP IQ could crash. The error below could be seen in IQMSG on Simplex or Multiplex

Excerpts of IQMSG:

        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348     ******************* End of STACKTRACE ******************
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348     **       End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error slib/s_blockmap.cxx:7180
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348     ********************************************************
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:7180, Err# 0, tid 7 origtid 7
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2106 (s_inccommunicationfailure); SQLCode: -1004008, SQLState: 'QIA08', Severity: 14
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348 [20219]: Coordinator node is offline
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348 Cmt 338438592
        I. 11/27 08:18:32. 0000000348 TINFO t=338435476 v=338442523 c=338438592 gt=338442536 gc=338443954 pcv=0 ME=0 MSE=0 TRR=0 #=0
        I. 11/27 08:18:33. 0000000348 Disconnect:  SA connHandle: 216  SA connID: 2  IQ connID: 0000000348  User: dba
        I. 11/27 08:18:33. 0000000348 Error queue destroyed with pending reported error from slib/s_bmCur.cxx:972 (tid 7, cursor 0x0x6ec1668)

  • On MPX, all secondary nodes could abort many times with double "SAP IQ Abort:" 

Excerpt of stderr on secondary nodes

        ***   SAP IQ Abort:
        ***      From:  stcxtlib/st_SAIQInterface.cxx:614
        ***      Rethrown from:  oslib/hos_throw.cxx:313
        ***      PID: 61596
        ***      Exception Location: 0x0x7f6910c8f5b0
        ***      Error ID: 533,  Exception Type: hos_assertexception
        ***      Thread: 140089229911808  (TID: 24, Original TID: 24)
        ***      Error #: 3,  O/S Error #: 0
        ***      Argument:
        -- (stcxtlib/st_SAIQInterface.cxx 614)
        [hos_InMemMsgLog::Dump()] BEGIN*
        [hos_InMemMsgLog::Dump()] END***
        While handling one abort, encountered another abort from the same thread.
        Calling emergency shutdown.



  • SAP IQ 16.0 SP11.x
  • SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1


"encountered another abort" ; "Error queue destroyed" ; "double abort" ; "s_blockmap.cxx" , "s_bmCur.cxx" ,CR#817610, 817610, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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