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2729739 - Error indexing search connectors: "Authorization indexing unsuccessful for object type USER_AUTHORITY"


In the ESH_COCKPIT, you have created a connector and you have started the indexing process.

The indexing fails with error like the following example:

Search for authorization not successful for index ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H%%21FBF250
Execution of SELECT DISTINCT query on ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H~%21FBF250~ (schema <HANA schema>) failed
SQL Statement failed;SELECT DISTINCT "WERKS", "DISPO" FROM "<HANA schema>"."ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H~%21FBF250~" L
column store error: search table error: [2617] executor: plan operation execution failed with an exception;caught unexpec
Authorization indexing unsuccessful for object type USER_AUTHORITY
Search for authorization not successful for index ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H%%21FBF250
Execution of SELECT DISTINCT query on ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H~%21FBF250~ (schema <HANA schema>) failed
SQL Statement failed;SELECT DISTINCT "WERKS", "DISPO" FROM "<HANA schema>"."ESH:<SID><client>~<SID><client>~PROJECT_NETWORK_H~%21FBF250~" L
column store error: search table error: [2617] executor: plan operation execution failed with an exception;caught unexpec
Indexing ended with error
Job canceled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE



  • SAP BASIS 740 and later releases.


SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search all versions ; SAP S/4HANA 1809


HANA indexing 2617 USER_AUTHORITY PROJECT_NETWORK_H , KBA , BC-EIM-ESH , NetWeaver Enterprise Search , Problem

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