Error message "Failure : Must create object under it's defined root folder." is seen after trying to promote favorites and personal folder content
- Error message "Failire : Object number xxxx cannot be created under the given folder (number xxxx) because it must be under folder number 23 either directly or indirectly.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
- Windows
- Linux/Unix
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
favorites, LCM, promotion, promote export, import ,PMW, promotion management wizard, BOBJ ,BIP ,BOE, lifecycle ,LCMBIAR, BIAR, personal ,root folder, duplicate object,user , KBA , BI-BIP-LCM , Lifecycle Management Console - Promotion mgmt, Version mgmt , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , How To
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