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2731277 - Very slow update in ProductCatalog when modifying item in Backoffice catalog


In the Backoffice, when modifying an item in any catalog, it takes a long time to save.

If an admin or employee user logs in the Backoffice and opens any item that is a part of a catalog, then modifies an attribute and hits the save button, the loading icon shows up but never goes away. Eventually the browser request times out, however the saving process continues in the background. After a long period, the change is finally saved and the update is done in the database. Or sometimes not at all.

However, when trying to do the same change by importing an impex file, the change is applied instantly without delay.



SAP Commerce, SAP Commerce Cloud


SAP Commerce 1811 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 1905 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2011 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2105 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2205 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 1808 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.0 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.1 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.2 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.3 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.4 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.5 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.6 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.7


Backoffice, Save, Hybris Commerce, Product, Content, Catalog, Product Catalog, Content Catalog, Synchronization, Cron Job, Slow, Performance, Slow Performance, trigger, event listener, BackofficeEditorAreaLogicHandler.isSyncInProgress, BackofficeEditorAreaLogicHandler, isSyncInProgress, DefaultSynchronizationFacade, SynchronizationFacade , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-BO-FRW , Framework , Problem

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